Olivia Tatro's Fundraiser

We can make Birthdays Happy for Children in need!!
Join Olivia and help make a difference.
Olivia is an incredibly lucky girl, a lucky girl indeed.
With toys, books, clothes, and everything she needs.
She does not need any generous gifts to celebrate this event.
But if you feel you must, we want your money quite well spent.
She is donating her first birthday to help an organization that ensures each child feels special and celebrated on their birthday despite a family's current situation, living conditions, or financial status.
Every child deserves to feel special, be celebrated, and have a memorable party. Unfortunately, that is not possible for many families.
Please join Olivia in supporting Box of Balloons and putting happy smiles on the faces of children in need on their birthday.
Let's support good in the world and make a difference.
Box of Balloons is a 501c3 non-profit organization on a mission to make every birthday happy and every child celebrated.
A donation of any amount is appreciated and will help make a child feel celebrated on their special day.
- $25 provides cupcakes and party favors for one birthday party.
- $50 provides a birthday gift for a child in need.
- $100 provides everything needed to celebrate a child's birthday.
With Love and Thanks,
Olivia and her Parents.