Rachel Nachreiner's Fundraiser

Please help us provide birthday celebrations to children in need.
We want to share birthday joy with those who need it most!
We are beyond blessed to have so many wonderful family members and friends who make us feel celebrated and loved, not only on our birthdays, but each and every day of the year! In honor of our July birthdays, Brekken and I would like to pay it forward by sharing birthday joy with those who need it most. Please help us provide birthday celebrations for children in need by supporting Box of Balloons!
It's Brekken's golden birthday, and he is beyond excited!!! In talking about this excitement and planning for his big day, we both couldn't stop thinking about the kids in our community who, due to circumstances out of their control, may have never experienced this same joy and excitement. So, we decided to pledge our birthdays so that for one day a child and his/her family could forget about their troubles and experience the love and happiness birthdays are meant to bring. In volunteering with Box of Balloons throughout the past year, we have witnessed first hand the beauty in giving, the power of community, and the positive change simple acts of kindness can bring. Just a small donation will go a long way in helping Box of Balloons continue their mission of making each birthday happy and every child celebrated. If you would like to donate and would prefer that your donation go specifically to the Portage Chapter of Box of Balloons, please just mention the Portage Chapter in your donation. And if you are not able to donate at this time, we completely understand! Please help us spread the word about Box of Balloons and maybe consider volunteering with a chapter near you! Thank you for your continued love and support! Our hearts are overwhelmed with gratitude!!!!
Brekken & Rachel