Pledge Your Birthday to Box of Balloons image

Pledge Your Birthday to Box of Balloons

and celebrate the birthdays of children in need


$4,570 towards $10,000

45 55 U


Towards Our Goal






Recurring Donors

Everyday all over the world children are making wishes and blowing out the candles on their birthday cakes. Meanwhile, there is a whole other segment of children whose birthday wish is just to have those candles on a birthday cake.

By Pledging Your Birthday to Box of Balloons you are raising funds to help give children in need birthday celebration.

Who are these children in need that are missing out on the opportunity to be celebrated? They are children in your own community! Children living homeless shelters, domestic abuse shelters and other community shelters; children being helped by community service organizations like children's services, foster care programs, early childhood intervention programs, food pantries; and children of low income families in your local school system. These are children in your own neighborhood.

Why a Birthday party? Birthday parties are a rite of passage to children across the country. These are days where a child has the chance to feel important, special, validated, celebrated and loved. Research has shown that to young children the actual act of a birthday party signifies aging, therefore when a child does not have a party they do not believe that they are getting older, while their friends are. The at risk children receiving birthday parties from Box of Balloons are children who need a reason to smile and a day to forget the hardships their family is facing.

By donating to the Box of Balloons' Pledge Your Birthday Campaign, you will be providing the joy, hope and happiness that every child deserves.

#PledgeYourBirthday #BoxofBalloons #EveryChildCelebrated

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22 people have already started fundraising for this campaign!

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April Britto 45 55 A

April Britto

Courtney Cullen 0 100 A

Courtney Cullen

Kaylee DeWitt 40 60 A

Kaylee DeWitt

Reese Ellwanger 53 47 A

Reese Ellwanger

Megan Jarvis 100 0 A

Megan Jarvis

Lisa Lin 0 100 A

Lisa Lin

Amy Marsman 130 -30 A

Amy Marsman

Nicole Moll 60 40 A

Nicole Moll

Rachel Nachreiner 135 -35 A

Rachel Nachreiner

Cairn Reisch 0 100 A

Cairn Reisch

April Ruen 0 100 A

April Ruen

Jenna Setz 160 -60 A

Jenna Setz

Jenna Setz 125 -25 A

Jenna Setz

Chelsey Walker 100 0 A

Chelsey Walker

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